Saturday, June 28, 2008

In re: Political Idiocy (not finished but here)

This is the kind of thing I am thinking about:

Mike, what are you thinking? Or is this crap just knee-jerk b.s.?

The image presented would appear to be a blatant attempt to paint McCain as an American hero while portraying Obama as a foreign villain. Where is the legitimacy in that?

McCain was considerably older when that photo was taken than Obama was in the one of him.* Besides that, Obama is wearing, not militant Arab dress, but the costume of his father's home in Africa.

This is as stupid as the dummies who think that Barak Obama is an Arab name. Even if it were, that would be no means indicate any links to terrorism, Islam or anything else. As if people can't think clearly enough to step back from their willful ignorance and actually learn something.

What happened to public discourse over the years? The general population at this point in time is ignorant to the point of moronic. Over 100 years ago, those common, uneducated peasants without tv, public schools and technology, were intellectually engaged in the Lincoln-Douglas debates to an extent that would be totally impossible now.**

(did anyone other than me notice that the originator of this foolishness obviously doesn't know what to do with a contraction? Uh Huh. So much for intelligence.)

I have some more examples of this specious kind of thing and will get them up as time permits.

* I am not sure of the provenance of the Obama photo but I believe it was taken while he was either in college or high school
** Gee, maybe that is because they weren't spending their time anesthetizing themselves with tv and pop "culture." They READ!

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Stop the Spying!

About Me

A hobby cook from the Midwest. Experiments, thoughts, new recipes, maybe even a photo or two... You noticed the pouting little girl with the words superimposed over her face? Growing up in the 60s and 70s the refrain of "there are starving children in [insert current poverty-stricken nation] that would love to have such... etc etc etc." I don't know that anyone actually believed all that but the image of a starving foreign child, holding out a bowl in hopes of being gifted with boiled tongue or green tomato pie, was pretty powerful. I do recall the kind of trouble kids would inevitably be in if they dared to say what most of us thought: "Well, then, send this stuff right on over to those poor, starving [insert country] kids." I don't usually post other people's photos, just my own. If you want to borrow or use one of my photos, I would appreciate your asking first. I usually don't mind but do hate having my work attributed to someone else. By the way, I found the photo of that pouting girl on the web with no attribution. If it's yours? We'll deal, ok? Thanks.
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