Friday, September 19, 2008


Will someone puhleeeeeze translate this for me:

"Of course, it's a fungible* commodity and they don't flag, you know, the molecules, where it's going and where it's not. But in the sense of the Congress today, they know that there are very, very hungry domestic markets that need that oil first. So, I believe that what Congress is going to do also, is not to allow the export bans to such a degree that it's Americans who get stuck holding the bag without the energy source that is produced here, pumped here. It's got to flow into our domestic markets first."

From the poster I stole, er, borrowed this from:

"PALIN WITHOUT A PROMPTER....PART 7....Have I used up my quota of two Sarah Palin references today? No? Then check out this phenomenal answer she offered up at a townhall meeting today about — well, I'm not sure what it's about. But it's energy related in some way:

It's priceless watching Wolf Blitzer tactfully admit that it's "not exactly easy to understand what she was saying" before he tries to tease out the "nuggets**" in her answer. You almost feel sorry for him."

* OK, now I can't figure out how "fungible" is the right word for this... well, whatever it is. "(esp. of goods) being of such nature or kind as to be freely exchangeable or replaceable, in whole or in part, for another of like nature or kind." I get that, just not how the word is applicable in this particular context. But maybe I'm dense that way.
** Good use of a word to replace "cat shit."

This is annoying

OK, someone doesn't like a recipe.

Someone who has none posted.

Someone who doesn't say why they don't like the recipe.

Someone who has been on the site since 2005.

This is very annoying, rude and a bit suspicious.

I'd say the posted name is apt, "Injustice." I'm not sure exactly who this person is but he/she/it has 7 pages of recipe reviews, 62 are 1 star, 40 no stars, 36 with 2 to 5 stars.

I find it interesting, as well, that this person absolutely lambastes other people with spurious historical and culinary information. The reviewer, or someone, went back through a lot of the previously posted reviews and deleted the comments in the reviews. This is a curious thing to do, very curious. Some of the most irrational and egregious comments are the ones being deleted.

The recipe that she/he/it reviewed that is mine said this:

"Sorry Queen...I have to tell you that an heirloom recipe would not tell you to run under the broiler...unless they have been revamped for more modern times. I didn't know about a broiler for ages!"

Oddly enough, there was (and is) nothing in the recipe that states it is an "heirloom" recipe. Not One Word.

After that, a number of members noticed the review and started making the dish. A couple even went so far as to vouch for its authenticity, among them native Britons.*

I can only make the assumption that this person is a pompous ass and let it go at that. If read in a light vein, most of the comments are pretty entertaining if you find dumbassery funny.

* "Injustice" seems to have a thing for rarebit, too. There is another review that states this:
"Genuine Welsh Rarebit is a hot, spicy cheesy sauce that is served on toast. This is as far away from the real thing as I can imagine."

The bizarre thing about that is the recipe poster states that she has adapted the recipe to their own personal tastes.

Remember the lies and damned lies?

Well, I did it.

Wrote NO WAY in hot pink marker on the fund raising letter, put it in their postage paid envelope* and sent it back to them.

Don't suppose anyone at the fund raising headquarters will be amused.

* Nice of them to put that in there. I wouldn't have paid 42 cents to send their trash back, otherwise.

Friday, finally.

This has been a totally bizarro week. Everyone has been feeling kind of sick. Folks all over having problems with brain slog, allergies, arthritis, sore throats, all kinds of odd things going on.

I've been having a week full of scheduling messes and have been offending uber-conservative friends all week with my political views. (that doesn't really bother me all that much, to be honest.)

Seems like I get one mess straightened out and 5 more pop up somewhere else.

Screens still not on the doors downstairs but it's a bit late to put them up now.

Haven't gotten the handle replacements but Himself insists he has the pieces we need, he just can't seem to locate them. (uh HUH)

On the bright side, DS3 has his GPA up to 3.4 for the first time ever!

On the not-bright side, SS's still stands at 1.94. He doesn't care.

People are somewhat dazed by the political situation, worried about the financial messes looming, and just not feeling good about the future.

I've been having real problems with allergies and sinusitis, too. Add hot flashes to that and it's not been a great week or two.

Keep forgetting to call Little Sis even though I owe her a chat.

Going to Rochester to get the Roo ready for winter tomorrow but not taking the rv, as originally planned. (couldn't find anywhere to stay.) When we get back in the afternoon we will take it to our new favorite spot and stay until Tuesday or something. Who knows?

I have picked up a monstrous headache. It seems to be a stress one, not sinus and that's a good thing, even if it does hurt pretty badly.

Its up in the 80s, as well, and with the dust blowing around I think I will turn the air on. With the windows open I am likely to have a bad night of it.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Read it and weep

Read, if you would, Driftglass' bolg from Tuesday 9-9, "Talking to ourselves." found here:


I love this guy. I don't know who he is but he could be speaking from my mouth.

This, in particular, caught my attention:

"They are barbarians, and in 2004 we finally had to confront the terrible, irrefutable fact that what is wrong with America is not the fault of a handful of DeLays and Bushes and Roves, but millions of our fellow citizens, who are soul-sick in a way that can never be cured because their tiny, angry, lizard brains simply do not work like ours.

They are not simply uninformed, but proudly, hatefully ignorant, and no matter what you or I say, no matter how many mountains of facts are laid out in front of them, they will go right back to the polls again this Fall, vote to sink another shiv into democracy's back, and go home thinking they've done God's work."

After you get to that, keep reading.

And weep.

High School

A thought on pecking order:

Driving to town today, I passed a group of high school students out on an expedition of some sort. They were strung out in a rough line for a couple of city blocks. I thought the place in line they were walking was interesting.

First: The teacher and the group of kids that always hangs out with an instructor, no matter what class it is. They are a mixture of needy kids, nerds and butt-kissers.

Then a single girl. Walking along in a determined manner, she probably has a number of close friends but not in this class. She doesn't worry too much about not being in a group, most likely. She's OK on her own.

Then the gaggle of Kewt Gurllzzz. In trendy styles, made up faces and teeny hairstyles, they were animatedly swinging their hair in time with their butts. Exaggerated gesturing, excited skipping motions signal the painfully self-conscious "look-at-me thing going on.

The the girl-magnet guys, jocks most likely. Close on the heels of the Kewl Gurllzzz talking amongst themselves but mostly conscious of the group in front of them. They followed the preceeding group the closest of any of the observed groups.

Then another group of guys. Some distance behind the girl magnets, they were probably social second-stringers and the tough guys.

Then one lone girl, some distance behind the guys. Very tall, walking somewhat slower than the rest. Her head was down, looking at the pavement, hair curtaining her face. She may have been the last out of choice but, as such things go, she is most likely the class outcast for one reason or another. Her path through school will be painful and she will likely disappear from view after graduation.

Just my observations...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lies and damned lies

I got a fund-raising letter from the McCain campaign in the mail yesterday.

It's chock-full of the sort of half-truths and outright lies that I expected.

If I had the time and inclination, I'd highlight all the wrongnesses and send it back to them.

As it is, I haven't the time nor the inclination. I am seriously considering getting my hot pink highlighter out and writing NO WAY on the first page of the letter and sending it back to them.

On their 42 cents.

I told you she'll eat anything

My friend, Eileen, sent me a package of Magic Safari Animals. We have been having fun with them, guessing which animal will be in the next capsule. They are kept up on the counter so the animals can't get them.

Didn't work.

Waggy found one. I don't know where but she found a red capsule.

And ate it.

This isn't really a terribly serious problem as she did barf it back up when the sponge beast started unfolding. That's gross but will clean.

The problem is, if she will eat something like that, what won't she eat?

We know she eats bark from firewood. Dirt. Mud. Grass. Leaves. Potato peelings. Onion skins. Bugs. Paper. Plastic.

Our last beagle didn't do stupid stuff like that so what's with this one?

Yjcmtsu ... again

This from the Guardian:

Taking the Mickey

Another Saudi cleric has gone over the edge. Sheikh Muhammad Munajid has declared that, since mice are unclean, all mice should be destroyed. Including Mickey Mouse...


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

All right, already

OK, so I didn't ignore politics.

I just can't stay away, OK?

Mysteries abound

Right at the moment the real one is:

Where does the pickle relish keep vanishing to?

2 weeks ago we bought pickle relish at the store, Himself and I. When we unloaded the rv, everything was brought in and put in the fridge. Including the relish.

It's gone. Again.

This is about the 4th time since June that a new jar of pickle relish has gone missing.

There is nothing special about the pickle relish. Nothing at all. Why would it keep disappearing?

Does somebody take it?

If so, who and why?

Do they eat it?

Are they collecting it?

Is it a plot?

Somebody tell me what is going on with the pickle relish.

You just can't make this shit up Redux

Holtz-Eakin: McCain helped create BlackBerry

Asked what work John McCain did as chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee that helped him understand the financial markets, the candidate's top economic adviser wielded visual evidence: his BlackBerry.

"He did this," Douglas Holtz-Eakin told reporters this morning, holding up his BlackBerry. "Telecommunications of the United States is a premier innovation in the past 15 years, comes right through the Commerce Committee. So you're looking at the miracle John McCain helped create and that's what he did."

Uh HUH. Wonder what the folks at Research in Motion think of that one?

With the incredible amount of dumbassery proceeding from the Republicrat campaign, how can anyone IN THEIR RIGHT MIND even give a moment's thought to voting for those fools?

No, it isn't Monday

even though it feels like it.

Monday was a very, very weird day. Started off cold and wet, ended up warm and sunny. In between there were various mixups, screwups, messes and general foolishness.

Today is shaping up to be rather odd, too, and it isn't even 10 a.m. There are several lists of things that have to be done which I carry around with me. The problem is that I forget about the list so don't manage to accomplish all the Vital And Important Things.

Since the Herd left a lot of mashed potatoes and some brocolli with cheese I am having that for breakfast. Added butter, cheddar cheese and tater topping to the mash, then heated it up in the mike. mmmmmm good! This bunch of goons have decided they don't like either cheddar/sour cream or garlic mashed potatoes anymore so I have to eat them catch as catch can.

Himself is going to be having on of Those Days today. He's driving out of a small elevator where he must load himself. That takes twice as long as if there is someone to do it and it makes him cranky. He hates wasting time pulling in, filling, backing up, filling, pulling ahead, filling then having to drive around, weigh and dump if he's over 80000 pounds then do it all again. The DOT fines a dollar a pound for overweight so he's really careful about it.

They've been out thick, too. The harvest is soon to start and they know that the farmers and elevators are rushing to get facilities cleared and cleaned*. They take advantage of that to weigh as many trucks as possible, do complete checks on them and then write a lot of tickets for a lot of money. I suppose that makes sense to them but it sure adds stress to the driver's lives.

Seem to be getting a sore throat, too. Nodes in neck all swollen. Don't feel sickly. Weird.

I think that huge bird that just circled over the house was a tern. A Very Large Tern, at that. I am not familiar with any native raptors that are white underneath and jet black on top although that bird was easily the size of a redtail. From the shape of the head, body and wingtips I *think* it was a tern. Maybe. If I knew where DS3 put the bird books I could look it up but they are MIA.

More tomatoes are ripening and the plants are still setting fruit. Am hoping that we have enough good weather to allow them all to get at least partially ripe. Need many, many more maters.

The yappy dogs are back at the neighbor's. And they are yapping. I don't care what kind of dog a person has but they need to be taught not to bark like brainless fools. It annoys the neighbors no end.

I think I will ignore politics for today. Have things that need to be done and I'm not in the mood for dumbassery.

When DS3 gets home this afternoon will have him go up into the attic and dig around to see if he can find the rest of the boxes of my Dad's "collections." I know there are more matchbooks, stamps and haven't even begun to deal with the cocktail napkins. I can't, for the life of me, figure out why he kept that stuff. Seems like sitting around looking at stamps through a magnifying glass is about as interesting as watching grass grow. (Or maybe less.)

* This is complicated by the fact that, once bins and elevators are clear, they must be thoroughly cleaned then inspected by state employees. That process can take up to 2 weeks so nobody is messing around.

Monday, September 15, 2008


I have been gifted by a dear friend with safari animals! They come in a little capsule that you drop into hot water and they turn itno really, really cool sponge beasts.

E, thank you! You rock, woman, for sure.


The pot calling the kettle black, redux

This is far and away one of the most disgusting and hypocritical things the Republicrats have pulled yet:

Obama Waffles


This is the kind of thing you don't find in U.S. newspapers...

from the Manchester Guardian.

Male Grooming memo

not kid-friendly, really, and possibly unsuitable for the office. Beware.

I think it's damned funny, in that rather backhanded British manner, though.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Amazon wish list

I have added more goodies to my wish list:

"Duchess of Duke Street"



I love those Masterpiece Theatre offerings, indeed I do.

Stop the Spying!

About Me

A hobby cook from the Midwest. Experiments, thoughts, new recipes, maybe even a photo or two... You noticed the pouting little girl with the words superimposed over her face? Growing up in the 60s and 70s the refrain of "there are starving children in [insert current poverty-stricken nation] that would love to have such... etc etc etc." I don't know that anyone actually believed all that but the image of a starving foreign child, holding out a bowl in hopes of being gifted with boiled tongue or green tomato pie, was pretty powerful. I do recall the kind of trouble kids would inevitably be in if they dared to say what most of us thought: "Well, then, send this stuff right on over to those poor, starving [insert country] kids." I don't usually post other people's photos, just my own. If you want to borrow or use one of my photos, I would appreciate your asking first. I usually don't mind but do hate having my work attributed to someone else. By the way, I found the photo of that pouting girl on the web with no attribution. If it's yours? We'll deal, ok? Thanks.
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