Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday, finally.

This has been a totally bizarro week. Everyone has been feeling kind of sick. Folks all over having problems with brain slog, allergies, arthritis, sore throats, all kinds of odd things going on.

I've been having a week full of scheduling messes and have been offending uber-conservative friends all week with my political views. (that doesn't really bother me all that much, to be honest.)

Seems like I get one mess straightened out and 5 more pop up somewhere else.

Screens still not on the doors downstairs but it's a bit late to put them up now.

Haven't gotten the handle replacements but Himself insists he has the pieces we need, he just can't seem to locate them. (uh HUH)

On the bright side, DS3 has his GPA up to 3.4 for the first time ever!

On the not-bright side, SS's still stands at 1.94. He doesn't care.

People are somewhat dazed by the political situation, worried about the financial messes looming, and just not feeling good about the future.

I've been having real problems with allergies and sinusitis, too. Add hot flashes to that and it's not been a great week or two.

Keep forgetting to call Little Sis even though I owe her a chat.

Going to Rochester to get the Roo ready for winter tomorrow but not taking the rv, as originally planned. (couldn't find anywhere to stay.) When we get back in the afternoon we will take it to our new favorite spot and stay until Tuesday or something. Who knows?

I have picked up a monstrous headache. It seems to be a stress one, not sinus and that's a good thing, even if it does hurt pretty badly.

Its up in the 80s, as well, and with the dust blowing around I think I will turn the air on. With the windows open I am likely to have a bad night of it.


Anonymous said...

YAY Uncle Matt, way to go!!

dragonmom said...

Yes, indeed!

Stop the Spying!

About Me

A hobby cook from the Midwest. Experiments, thoughts, new recipes, maybe even a photo or two... You noticed the pouting little girl with the words superimposed over her face? Growing up in the 60s and 70s the refrain of "there are starving children in [insert current poverty-stricken nation] that would love to have such... etc etc etc." I don't know that anyone actually believed all that but the image of a starving foreign child, holding out a bowl in hopes of being gifted with boiled tongue or green tomato pie, was pretty powerful. I do recall the kind of trouble kids would inevitably be in if they dared to say what most of us thought: "Well, then, send this stuff right on over to those poor, starving [insert country] kids." I don't usually post other people's photos, just my own. If you want to borrow or use one of my photos, I would appreciate your asking first. I usually don't mind but do hate having my work attributed to someone else. By the way, I found the photo of that pouting girl on the web with no attribution. If it's yours? We'll deal, ok? Thanks.
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