the prez and his cohorts.
Thieves? Nah. Grafters? No.
There are no words for the whole shebang. There might be in French or Chinese, but English? No.
I have a decent idea about grammar and a good vocabulary but describing this regime and the creatures that serve it is beyond my provenance.
Check this one out, if you would:
Iran, indeed?
What possible end could they have for this whole lot of crap? What will it profit them? I really want to know.
Power? Wealth? More wealth? More power? Would they like to be God?
Mercy, have mercy because things are worse than we can imagine. I fear for all of us on the face of the earth. Not just here in the US but worldwide. This might be a replay of the Nazi takeover of Germany (although I really hate to say it, honestly) but after all, the Shrub's grandfather financed Hitler, didn't he? You have no idea how ill it makes me to type things like that but you have no idea how ill it makes me to live in a virtual police state and have misdirection all around me and all the "and now this" crap on the media. Or how ill it makes me to know that over 5000 of our valiant and honorable soldiers have been killed in a fruitless and pointless war, not to speak of the lives lost in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kuwait... as far as places that don't officially exist and those places that are our "allies."
May whatever powers rule the universe, Bush, judge you as you should be judged. You should be on your knees sacrificing chickens if you must, but you will pay for your deeds. You and all your creatures will pay for what you have done. All of you, whose motives I can't begin to comprehend, will pay at some time.
I just hope it is sooner than later.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Rhetorical questions
I won't be posing any r.q.s today but I am wondering about something...
Himself asks lots of pointless questions and questions that really demand no answer at all. Why does he do that?
Does it matter that the doors on the tv stand are open? Does the identity of the perpetrator of such a heinous act make any difference to the fact that they are open? Wasting time and breath fussing about such immaterial things doesn't make any sense to me at all. Just shut the damned things if it bothers you that much and shut up.
I really don't know who plugged the w.c. I do know that if I had, I would have unplugged it myself. If it is beneath you to plunge the can, I'll do it myself, OK?
Asking me why DS2 packs up his computer every couple of weeks and goes to gaming is pointless. The answer to that is clear: they have a good time. I'm not planning on telling him he has to stop doing it just because it annoys you. I'd like to ask you why it annoys you so badly? That would probably be pointless, too, because either you don't know why it annoys you or you'd feel insulted by the question and get nasty.*
I really don't know where your tools are so don't ask me. I don't know who has them and quit asking me about it in an accusatory voice. My suspicion is that you loaned them to someone and have forgotten who. They aren't downstairs anywhere and I don't have them secreted in my underwear drawer. Either look around for them or remember who you loaned them to.**
Moaning about the sorry state of the refrigerator isn't getting it any better. I would rather lick the w.c. clean*** than clean it, yet again. Last time DS3 and I did it because we got sick and tired of listening to you snivel about it. You are as much responsible for the messes as anyone else. Just gird your loins and CLEAN IT.
Becoming angry because the dog has trouble getting up and down the stoop isn't getting her to her destination any faster. She's doing the best she can. If you think she takes too long, pick her up and move her. She doesn't dawdle about, looking at flowers or picking her nose or wondering if she really wants to go in or out.
Step back and take a look at what you are doing and why you are doing it. Who is it that you are mistreating in this manner? Are we your sworn enemies, out to do you great harm? Not currently. There is a definite possibility that, if you don't figure out what you are doing and why you are doing it, you will have nobody except yourself. We all know that you are under almost intolerable stress and have had a couple of terrible hits in the last weeks.**** We understand that. That's the only reason we haven't openly defied your irrationality and illogic.
We are concerned about you. Nobody understands why you can not, or will not, learn from your mistakes. The old saying holds true that if you do what you've always done you'll get what you've always gotten. You're almost 46 years old and seem to never have developed the insight of a 14 year old. Spewing venom and hatred around on all of us isn't helping you at all. You ar just building resentment and anger. I am pretty tolerant but am getting to the point that I'm likely to tell you exactly what I think of this whole load of crap. I know perfectly well what will happen then. You will either accuse me of being prejudiced, yell about me "not having a job in 20 years,"***** or decide to pack all your goodies and leave because you don't need to take that kind of talk. Hypocrite, just a hypocrite. That's you.
* This is a recurring bitch that I hear, "Why doesn't DS2 do anything around here?" He'll do whatever you tell him to do. Why don't you just start telling him what you want done and quit bitching. He isn't any worse about not seeing tasks that must be done than the others. I suppose if I were DS2, was working 7 to 10 days, 9 hours a day, I might be frazzled as well. I refer everyone back to the blog about "I'm not..." so you will have a better idea of why behavior of this kind from Himself pisses me off. You kid isn't the Second Coming, you blind asshole, do you understand that? There's nothing wrong with him but he is not better nor is he worse than any other 17 year old male.
** He's notably famous for having a few beers and telling someone, anyone, "you come right on over and borrow those," then forgetting that he did it. To my mind this falls into the same classification of idiocy as cleaning the garage and rearranging it, then accusing everyone in sight of taking your crap when you moved it around yourself.
*** Not really.
**** It isn't as if the rest of us are footloose and fancy-free. Especially not me. Your repeated idiocy just adds to my stress and you simply can't seem to hear that. Are you able to find any compassion or empathy for someone else? I am sad to say this in public, but there are times I truly believe that you are mentally ill. Not completely psychotic, but not right, either.
***** That is about the most stupid and groundless accusation that could be made.
Himself asks lots of pointless questions and questions that really demand no answer at all. Why does he do that?
Does it matter that the doors on the tv stand are open? Does the identity of the perpetrator of such a heinous act make any difference to the fact that they are open? Wasting time and breath fussing about such immaterial things doesn't make any sense to me at all. Just shut the damned things if it bothers you that much and shut up.
I really don't know who plugged the w.c. I do know that if I had, I would have unplugged it myself. If it is beneath you to plunge the can, I'll do it myself, OK?
Asking me why DS2 packs up his computer every couple of weeks and goes to gaming is pointless. The answer to that is clear: they have a good time. I'm not planning on telling him he has to stop doing it just because it annoys you. I'd like to ask you why it annoys you so badly? That would probably be pointless, too, because either you don't know why it annoys you or you'd feel insulted by the question and get nasty.*
I really don't know where your tools are so don't ask me. I don't know who has them and quit asking me about it in an accusatory voice. My suspicion is that you loaned them to someone and have forgotten who. They aren't downstairs anywhere and I don't have them secreted in my underwear drawer. Either look around for them or remember who you loaned them to.**
Moaning about the sorry state of the refrigerator isn't getting it any better. I would rather lick the w.c. clean*** than clean it, yet again. Last time DS3 and I did it because we got sick and tired of listening to you snivel about it. You are as much responsible for the messes as anyone else. Just gird your loins and CLEAN IT.
Becoming angry because the dog has trouble getting up and down the stoop isn't getting her to her destination any faster. She's doing the best she can. If you think she takes too long, pick her up and move her. She doesn't dawdle about, looking at flowers or picking her nose or wondering if she really wants to go in or out.
Step back and take a look at what you are doing and why you are doing it. Who is it that you are mistreating in this manner? Are we your sworn enemies, out to do you great harm? Not currently. There is a definite possibility that, if you don't figure out what you are doing and why you are doing it, you will have nobody except yourself. We all know that you are under almost intolerable stress and have had a couple of terrible hits in the last weeks.**** We understand that. That's the only reason we haven't openly defied your irrationality and illogic.
We are concerned about you. Nobody understands why you can not, or will not, learn from your mistakes. The old saying holds true that if you do what you've always done you'll get what you've always gotten. You're almost 46 years old and seem to never have developed the insight of a 14 year old. Spewing venom and hatred around on all of us isn't helping you at all. You ar just building resentment and anger. I am pretty tolerant but am getting to the point that I'm likely to tell you exactly what I think of this whole load of crap. I know perfectly well what will happen then. You will either accuse me of being prejudiced, yell about me "not having a job in 20 years,"***** or decide to pack all your goodies and leave because you don't need to take that kind of talk. Hypocrite, just a hypocrite. That's you.
* This is a recurring bitch that I hear, "Why doesn't DS2 do anything around here?" He'll do whatever you tell him to do. Why don't you just start telling him what you want done and quit bitching. He isn't any worse about not seeing tasks that must be done than the others. I suppose if I were DS2, was working 7 to 10 days, 9 hours a day, I might be frazzled as well. I refer everyone back to the blog about "I'm not..." so you will have a better idea of why behavior of this kind from Himself pisses me off. You kid isn't the Second Coming, you blind asshole, do you understand that? There's nothing wrong with him but he is not better nor is he worse than any other 17 year old male.
** He's notably famous for having a few beers and telling someone, anyone, "you come right on over and borrow those," then forgetting that he did it. To my mind this falls into the same classification of idiocy as cleaning the garage and rearranging it, then accusing everyone in sight of taking your crap when you moved it around yourself.
*** Not really.
**** It isn't as if the rest of us are footloose and fancy-free. Especially not me. Your repeated idiocy just adds to my stress and you simply can't seem to hear that. Are you able to find any compassion or empathy for someone else? I am sad to say this in public, but there are times I truly believe that you are mentally ill. Not completely psychotic, but not right, either.
***** That is about the most stupid and groundless accusation that could be made.
Business as usual. Again.
The Big Farm Scam*
Living in a cornbelt state, I see quite a few of the corporate farmers. It's pretty much routine. During harvest or planting you know when you have encountered one, they're the guys with the 36 row planters, their own semis for hauling supplies and liquids, giant tractors that must be hinged in the middle to enable them turn turn a corner... They have 30-man crews doing the field work because, with 3000+ acres you NEED lots of people. They have large boats, fancy houses, take European vacations and, at least for the majority, never actually get their hands dirty.
Contrast the picture with the small family where we get our organic meat. They have a limited number of livestock and care for it themselves from birth until they take the animals to a locker plant. Unlike the massive corporate business, these folks are not eligible for subsidies. To make their situation worse, the USDA is trying to force them to number and track every individual animal. (The big guys can just register their herds as a whole.) This will add reams of paperwork, hours and dollars spent on a totally unnecessary program that benefits nobody. Their daily lives begin before the sun comes up, doing chores and ends whenever they finish at night. Mom, Dad and both kids work at this operation, full-time in summer, the kids part-time in winter.
Just something to think about...
* I adore Mother Jones. Check their website out if you haven't done it already.
The Big Farm Scam*
Living in a cornbelt state, I see quite a few of the corporate farmers. It's pretty much routine. During harvest or planting you know when you have encountered one, they're the guys with the 36 row planters, their own semis for hauling supplies and liquids, giant tractors that must be hinged in the middle to enable them turn turn a corner... They have 30-man crews doing the field work because, with 3000+ acres you NEED lots of people. They have large boats, fancy houses, take European vacations and, at least for the majority, never actually get their hands dirty.
Contrast the picture with the small family where we get our organic meat. They have a limited number of livestock and care for it themselves from birth until they take the animals to a locker plant. Unlike the massive corporate business, these folks are not eligible for subsidies. To make their situation worse, the USDA is trying to force them to number and track every individual animal. (The big guys can just register their herds as a whole.) This will add reams of paperwork, hours and dollars spent on a totally unnecessary program that benefits nobody. Their daily lives begin before the sun comes up, doing chores and ends whenever they finish at night. Mom, Dad and both kids work at this operation, full-time in summer, the kids part-time in winter.
Just something to think about...
* I adore Mother Jones. Check their website out if you haven't done it already.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Let's have a show of hands...
Who thinks Himself and I should be footing the bill for one of the adolescent's social life?
The kid works about 16 hours a month and fritters all of his paycheck away on his damned cell phone.*
Hasn't sold the p.o.s. jeep because he's too busy running around doing this and that and has no time to fix it.
That means he has no car.
That means he has no funds.
That evidently means that we are to let him us one of our vehicles. To take Little Miss Ubiquitous to dinner and a movie for their All Important First Anniversary. Good god, he's 17 and she's 15 and this is a Big Deal?
I think I may tell Himself that, in my opinion, dinner and a movie will be fine but it will have to wait until the kid has his own car and has paid us back every last cent he owes us.**
At some point the kid has to learn to take care of business first and play afterwards, if there are sufficient funds to do that.
Like we did with the 3 older ones, who have all turned out just fine in spite of being horribly mistreated by parents who insisted they take care of their responsibilities BEFORE they had fun.
It's time Himself put his foot down and made it clear to this kid that this isn't a boarding house.
ETA: The decision is made. By me. Until he takes care of his obligations and responsibilities there will be no borrowing our vehicles to fulfill his social obligations. I'll have to be the bad guy, as usual, not like I haven't had to do that before. I make a really, really good bad guy, too. LOL (or should that be bwahahahahaaaa?)
Another ETA: His Daddy over ruled me and let him take the truck for his little assignation. And today, the kid has been gone all day with no explanation of where he has been or what he has been doing and NOW he wants (and got) permission to have a "friend" overnight. What friend, I asked. Himself didn't know. WTF is going on here? I am so furious that I could spit nails. The little arsehole and his creep father... screw them both.
* What the hell does he need a cell phone for?
**That is not an insignificant amount of money, either.
The kid works about 16 hours a month and fritters all of his paycheck away on his damned cell phone.*
Hasn't sold the p.o.s. jeep because he's too busy running around doing this and that and has no time to fix it.
That means he has no car.
That means he has no funds.
That evidently means that we are to let him us one of our vehicles. To take Little Miss Ubiquitous to dinner and a movie for their All Important First Anniversary. Good god, he's 17 and she's 15 and this is a Big Deal?
I think I may tell Himself that, in my opinion, dinner and a movie will be fine but it will have to wait until the kid has his own car and has paid us back every last cent he owes us.**
At some point the kid has to learn to take care of business first and play afterwards, if there are sufficient funds to do that.
Like we did with the 3 older ones, who have all turned out just fine in spite of being horribly mistreated by parents who insisted they take care of their responsibilities BEFORE they had fun.
It's time Himself put his foot down and made it clear to this kid that this isn't a boarding house.
ETA: The decision is made. By me. Until he takes care of his obligations and responsibilities there will be no borrowing our vehicles to fulfill his social obligations. I'll have to be the bad guy, as usual, not like I haven't had to do that before. I make a really, really good bad guy, too. LOL (or should that be bwahahahahaaaa?)
Another ETA: His Daddy over ruled me and let him take the truck for his little assignation. And today, the kid has been gone all day with no explanation of where he has been or what he has been doing and NOW he wants (and got) permission to have a "friend" overnight. What friend, I asked. Himself didn't know. WTF is going on here? I am so furious that I could spit nails. The little arsehole and his creep father... screw them both.
* What the hell does he need a cell phone for?
**That is not an insignificant amount of money, either.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Giddy? Yes!
This is crazy, just nuts but I feel like myself for the first time in 2 years or more.
The reason?
I changed chiropractors. That isn't a big deal. Naw, it really isn't. What the big deal is? He took x-rays of my back. Nobody has ever bothered to do that. Turns out I have a 17° curvature of the lumbar area. The WHOLE lumbar area. Ouch. (This Doctor specializes in scoliosis. Wow. Luck of the draw? Don't think so.)
We have known for a while that there was something really, really wrong but couldn't find anyone who was willing to do anything about it.* I couldn't stand straight, was horribly tired all of the time from being in constant pain, couldn't walk because everything hurt every time I took a step. Things had deteriorated to the point that I couldn't lever myself out of bed, get in the car, bend over... I'd say it was time for a change.
Today, after reviewing the x-ray and finding out my right hip is 1 1/2 inches lower than my left because of the spine, we took action. The new chiropractor lined everything up properly and then gave ma a small lift, about 1/16" thick, to put in my right shoe. I have been wearing it only since around 11:45 this morning and am already standing taller, very little pain. I can walk normally! That is a miracle for me.
After years of feeling just awful, not every now and again, but all the time, day after day, year after year, I have come to a turning point. I can bend easily and painlessly, turn from the hips, sit down and stand up without holding on the something. Incredible.
It isn't like there is no discomfort, because there is. Every muscle in my body feels as if I have been hauling 50 pound sacks of feed all day. I am tired but not sick/tired. When I think about it, this muscle-fatigue makes perfect sense. All the muscles in my body, starting with the lumbar region, are being realigned. All by a small thingie under my right heel.
Not only did the new Doc actually take action in regards to the scoliosis, he gave me some botanicals to help my adrenals handle and recover from the constant stress I have been living with. He also gave me another botanical which he takes himself. That one is for the chronic sinusitis.** I have lived for years with sinus infections, dizziness, ringing ears, vision problems. I have risen in the morning and had to run to the bathroom, vomiting up horrible mucus-stuff which had drained from my sinuses during the night. And the headaches... Oh, the headaches. Days when it was so bad that merely touching my face would almost knock me out, it hurt so bad. Should mention that the new Doctor did something (not sure what) to my neck and my nose immediately stopped running. I could breathe through it. Weird. He guarantees that in 3 weeks I will notice a difference. Money-back. Wow. Amazingly enough. it should also help with the damage caused by the inflammatory infection in my lungs last fall. WooHoo!
As if the back wasn't enough? Bonus! It's like winning the lottery, honest! I can WALK! Really. Just walking without limping? Without having my back seize up? My knee lock? Without my hips burning like fire? Miracle.
I am looking forward to getting back to myself. Yes, I am. I think everyone, my partner, my children, my friends, have been missing me. The real me, not this hobbling old lady. I have endured and lived through a lot. Even so, this last couple of years has been one of the hardest things I have had to deal with. Watching myself as it seemed that my body and mind were failing and there was nothing to do? Despair, that's the only way I can describe it, despair. The constant pain, the seeming unsurmountable difficulty of just caring for everyday tasks, has taken a huge toll on my self-esteem and my confidence, not only in the future but more fundamentally, in myself.
My dear daughter mentioned to me a day or so ago that it is hard to see your Mama fall apart in front of your eyes. Yes, Once, it is. I know that. It has hurt and worried me and I have wished that there were some way I could fix all this. Not being able to pick up the Grandies? Having no endurance, no strength, no energy? It has been one of the worst things I have experienced in my life and you know that I have been through some pretty bad things. Now, though? Just watch me come back. And I will.
I do wish, truly wish, I could understand why my trusted doctor never bothered to tell me that I had scoliosis. Doc, why? Did you think so little of me that it seemed pointless to even tell me? You knew. You knew. Was I worth so little to you as a person that it didn't matter that I would be incapacitated in a matter of years? This knowledge hurts and it hurts badly. Did you think that I would be able to overcome this by sheer force of will, as I have overcome so much? I couldn't do that any more than I can change my faulty heart valves through sheer force of will. Doc, I have been betrayed. By you.
The other chiropractor? Well, whatever. Just let me say that most of his clients are elderly and he gets his Medicare payments but I suppose that the $20 a week I was spending was handy. Who knows?
I expect that I will be back, as me, the original one-and-only QDM fairly soon. Right now, today? I am hugely thankful just to be able to get up out of this office chair, walk to the kitchen, step out on the deck, without blinding pain.
Thank you, Dr. Nelson. Thank you from all of us. I don't believe that you know that you are giving a great gift to anyone other than me, but you are. You are giving "Me" back to my partner, my kids, my grandchildren, my friends.
You want to fix this mess without having to put me in a brace. Thank you.
You don't want me to take all the drugs the doctor prescribed for the sinusitis that do nothing but mask the symptoms. Thank you.
You don't want me to experience any more adrenal fatigue. Thank you.
Thank you from people who you will probably never meet. Thank you.
*My regular doctor knew that I have scoliosis and never told me. The chiropractor I have been going to for 2 years never did an x-ray. So who is the idiot? Me.
**Something about bacteria and all...
The reason?
I changed chiropractors. That isn't a big deal. Naw, it really isn't. What the big deal is? He took x-rays of my back. Nobody has ever bothered to do that. Turns out I have a 17° curvature of the lumbar area. The WHOLE lumbar area. Ouch. (This Doctor specializes in scoliosis. Wow. Luck of the draw? Don't think so.)
We have known for a while that there was something really, really wrong but couldn't find anyone who was willing to do anything about it.* I couldn't stand straight, was horribly tired all of the time from being in constant pain, couldn't walk because everything hurt every time I took a step. Things had deteriorated to the point that I couldn't lever myself out of bed, get in the car, bend over... I'd say it was time for a change.
Today, after reviewing the x-ray and finding out my right hip is 1 1/2 inches lower than my left because of the spine, we took action. The new chiropractor lined everything up properly and then gave ma a small lift, about 1/16" thick, to put in my right shoe. I have been wearing it only since around 11:45 this morning and am already standing taller, very little pain. I can walk normally! That is a miracle for me.
After years of feeling just awful, not every now and again, but all the time, day after day, year after year, I have come to a turning point. I can bend easily and painlessly, turn from the hips, sit down and stand up without holding on the something. Incredible.
It isn't like there is no discomfort, because there is. Every muscle in my body feels as if I have been hauling 50 pound sacks of feed all day. I am tired but not sick/tired. When I think about it, this muscle-fatigue makes perfect sense. All the muscles in my body, starting with the lumbar region, are being realigned. All by a small thingie under my right heel.
Not only did the new Doc actually take action in regards to the scoliosis, he gave me some botanicals to help my adrenals handle and recover from the constant stress I have been living with. He also gave me another botanical which he takes himself. That one is for the chronic sinusitis.** I have lived for years with sinus infections, dizziness, ringing ears, vision problems. I have risen in the morning and had to run to the bathroom, vomiting up horrible mucus-stuff which had drained from my sinuses during the night. And the headaches... Oh, the headaches. Days when it was so bad that merely touching my face would almost knock me out, it hurt so bad. Should mention that the new Doctor did something (not sure what) to my neck and my nose immediately stopped running. I could breathe through it. Weird. He guarantees that in 3 weeks I will notice a difference. Money-back. Wow. Amazingly enough. it should also help with the damage caused by the inflammatory infection in my lungs last fall. WooHoo!
As if the back wasn't enough? Bonus! It's like winning the lottery, honest! I can WALK! Really. Just walking without limping? Without having my back seize up? My knee lock? Without my hips burning like fire? Miracle.
I am looking forward to getting back to myself. Yes, I am. I think everyone, my partner, my children, my friends, have been missing me. The real me, not this hobbling old lady. I have endured and lived through a lot. Even so, this last couple of years has been one of the hardest things I have had to deal with. Watching myself as it seemed that my body and mind were failing and there was nothing to do? Despair, that's the only way I can describe it, despair. The constant pain, the seeming unsurmountable difficulty of just caring for everyday tasks, has taken a huge toll on my self-esteem and my confidence, not only in the future but more fundamentally, in myself.
My dear daughter mentioned to me a day or so ago that it is hard to see your Mama fall apart in front of your eyes. Yes, Once, it is. I know that. It has hurt and worried me and I have wished that there were some way I could fix all this. Not being able to pick up the Grandies? Having no endurance, no strength, no energy? It has been one of the worst things I have experienced in my life and you know that I have been through some pretty bad things. Now, though? Just watch me come back. And I will.
I do wish, truly wish, I could understand why my trusted doctor never bothered to tell me that I had scoliosis. Doc, why? Did you think so little of me that it seemed pointless to even tell me? You knew. You knew. Was I worth so little to you as a person that it didn't matter that I would be incapacitated in a matter of years? This knowledge hurts and it hurts badly. Did you think that I would be able to overcome this by sheer force of will, as I have overcome so much? I couldn't do that any more than I can change my faulty heart valves through sheer force of will. Doc, I have been betrayed. By you.
The other chiropractor? Well, whatever. Just let me say that most of his clients are elderly and he gets his Medicare payments but I suppose that the $20 a week I was spending was handy. Who knows?
I expect that I will be back, as me, the original one-and-only QDM fairly soon. Right now, today? I am hugely thankful just to be able to get up out of this office chair, walk to the kitchen, step out on the deck, without blinding pain.
Thank you, Dr. Nelson. Thank you from all of us. I don't believe that you know that you are giving a great gift to anyone other than me, but you are. You are giving "Me" back to my partner, my kids, my grandchildren, my friends.
You want to fix this mess without having to put me in a brace. Thank you.
You don't want me to take all the drugs the doctor prescribed for the sinusitis that do nothing but mask the symptoms. Thank you.
You don't want me to experience any more adrenal fatigue. Thank you.
Thank you from people who you will probably never meet. Thank you.
*My regular doctor knew that I have scoliosis and never told me. The chiropractor I have been going to for 2 years never did an x-ray. So who is the idiot? Me.
**Something about bacteria and all...
Sunday, June 15, 2008
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About Me
- dragonmom
- A hobby cook from the Midwest. Experiments, thoughts, new recipes, maybe even a photo or two... You noticed the pouting little girl with the words superimposed over her face? Growing up in the 60s and 70s the refrain of "there are starving children in [insert current poverty-stricken nation] that would love to have such... etc etc etc." I don't know that anyone actually believed all that but the image of a starving foreign child, holding out a bowl in hopes of being gifted with boiled tongue or green tomato pie, was pretty powerful. I do recall the kind of trouble kids would inevitably be in if they dared to say what most of us thought: "Well, then, send this stuff right on over to those poor, starving [insert country] kids." I don't usually post other people's photos, just my own. If you want to borrow or use one of my photos, I would appreciate your asking first. I usually don't mind but do hate having my work attributed to someone else. By the way, I found the photo of that pouting girl on the web with no attribution. If it's yours? We'll deal, ok? Thanks.