Saturday, July 26, 2008
It's a lovely day, so far. Sunny and not too warm. Bet it warms up this afternoon and we end up closing the house and turning on the air.
My tennis elbow has flared up, too. Outside of elbow is swollen and the whole arm aches. Will put the wrist brace on in a while to remove some of the stress from the arm. Hope it helps. Can't even pick up an empty coffee cup with the right hand.
SS will be going to his mother's Monday. We had been wondering when, or if, she was actually planning on having him visit. So, instead of the 2 months he would have spent visiting us during the summer, he gets to spend a whole week at her house. *sigh* I just don't understand some people's thought processes. Or lack thereof.
Himself has today off but works tomorrow. So, that means he and SS must get the car trailer, load up That Car, take it to Osage, drop it off and come back. Then load up the other one and haul it to the farm, unload it and drop of the trailer.
Then there's yard work. Have weeding to do and a lot of trimming, none of which I will be much help with since I can't grasp anything with the right hand. Dammit.
Ah, well, could certainly be worse!
Friday, July 25, 2008
If that don't just beat all.
"You will have to excuse the joy I take in reporting on Idaho. It is the only place a Texan can point to and say, "Well, at least we aint as crazy as that!"
It goes without saying that a family openly strapping guns to their belts (along with a couple extra clips of ammo) and going to the Boise Zoo keeps lions, tigers and bears (oh no) from eating people. On the day in question no animals had eaten any humans. It is also a deterrent for all would be animal thieves and stroller hijackers. Again not one rattlesnake or elephant was stolen from the zoo on this day, and no strollers were stolen or children kidnapped. So the dozen or so gun packers did their job well as there were also no terrorist attacks or Mexicans taking jobs away from any white people.
Of course as you can see from the video* below the local Boise TV station could only claim that openly carrying weapons at the zoo is "unusual" rather than the more appropriate description that it is "f**king nuts".
One little quip did give the rest of the world an idea of just how crazy gunloons really are. One of the fathers of the ten members of family packing at the zoo said that until his children are old enough to carry guns of their own, they are carrying knives! And there they are in the video. Looks like an 8 year old and a 10 year old with big old knives to stab... hmm... People who laugh at them? Peacocks running loose? Silly me, obviously to skin the rogue lions, tigers and bears their parents shoot at the zoo. Or perhaps some Mexicans? Or maybe the three black people that live in Idaho somewhere but are presently in hiding?
I must also add that it would seem to the casual reader that Idaho is a right-wing noodle state but in its defense please keep in mind that one of Idaho's United States Senators is open and tolerant of soliciting gay sex in public rest rooms. So at least give the people of Idaho that. After all, no place is all bad. Well... There is Pasadena, Texas."
* I downloaded the video but it has vanished like that second sock. If it surfaces again, I'll put it up. Meanwhile, if you want to see it, the link is below.
Jackrite, again.
If you find yourself in an argument with a conservative who is defending George W. Bush’s intelligence, ask them to name an elected President they think George is smarter than. I have seen not a few huff and puff so hard to that they turned purple.
With the recent joke told by First Lady Laura Bush that her husband beats off horses, it becomes another point as to what being in a red state actually entails. Clearing brush for fun, ancestors who hunted Dinosaurs, never experiencing salt water or indoor plumbing, and jerking off farm animals. " Rackjite
Just couldn't resist. BTW, any neocons or what all, don't bother with the site that quote came from. You're likely to have an apoplexy. Thank you.
I have a new grocery store
That's right, I said Aldi's.
If you've been following along, gentle reader, you know already that I am incensed about the chemicals and preservatives and flavorings and colorings put in food to mask the fact that it is over processed and pretty much edible nonfood.
We ate a decent meal last night for around 8 dollars. That small amount fed 2 adults and two ravening adolescent males. Not bad, eh?
We had the store brand of pork and beans and it tastes like pork and beans is supposed to taste. There is NO high fructose corn syrup in it. None.
The tater chips are just taters, salt and the oil they are fried in. They, too, taste like tater chips should taste. Crunchy and "tatoey."
The main was cajun shrimp skewers. They did have some chemically stuff in them but not near as much as is common in the majority of off-the-shelf entrees.
I just had a store-brand cotto salami sandwich and it was tasty.*
Also bought a can of the store-brand coffee. Tasted just like coffee this a.m. and it was 6 dollars a can less than national brands. You get a couple of ounces more, too.
Himself and I are planning a stock-up foray this weekend. There are some of the store's items that I probably won't buy unless absolutely necessary. At the same time, how can you beat 2.99 a gallon whole milk?
* I just had another one and it, too, was tasty. nomnomnomnomnom
It's your democratic duty to be offensive
I'm an equal opportunity bitch, after all.
Germaine Greer
This just breaks my heart
"This is a request for help. Disabled veterans are being treated as if they are a burden on the government's checkbook, and the government is getting away with it, mainly because the situation is so far out of the public's collective eye that the military can quite effectively sweep it under the rug. Politicians are using our sacrifices as political capital in front of the nation, while the Army medical system turns around to our face and disdainfully treats us as if we are asking for something we do not deserve. All we want is the care we were promised, and all we are getting is organized resistance from the military medical bureaucracy. In some cases, this resistance amounts to the pure manipulation - and even alteration - of the medical regulations, for the sole purpose of reducing the amount of money the Army has to pay disabled vets upon their separation. I have turned to this kind of appeal, frankly, because I am out of options. I believe that the only thing that can even begin to fix a problem such as this one is true exposure to the bright lights of public scrutiny.
When wounded soldiers comes home, they have to go through an evaluation process in which a panel of Army doctors determines what their final disability rating will be. If they decide that the soldier rates less than 30%, then they can separate that soldier with merely a severance check, and never dole out another dollar to him or her again. Should the rating be above 30%, the Army is required to medically retire that soldier, and send him or her a monthly check after they leave the service. In principle, this makes sense. But this is being abused by those doctors, in that they are intentionally low-balling wounded vets in order to get them under the 30% ceiling and get them out, for obvious reasons of saving money. Just in my case alone, I have seen doctors lie on official reports about what I told them, make childishly snide comments about the appeals that I have written to the Physician Evaluation Board (PEB), and one doctor even suggested that a previous diagnosis was invalid simply because I was "fine" on the day he saw me. (And I have proof - to include hard copies of documents showing the offenses.) This does not stop with the low-level doctors, by any means. The Army PEBs operate on instructions given to them by their command, and one in particular is very telling. Since soldiers began coming home with serious concussion injuries, the Army medical community has seen fit to publish instructions to its PEBs concerning certain ratings and how they are to be 'interpreted' pertaining to veterans' disability claims. One of them that I ran directly into deals with the occurrence of migraine headaches, which many veterans with concussion injuries suffer from, and how they are to be viewed. The schedule that lists ratings that are to be applied states that for a 50% rating, migraines must meet the frequency requirement of at least two pper month, and the severity must be prostrating. After veterans began receiving this rating for their complications from IED-induced concussions, an instruction to physicians was published informing them that from then on, the word 'prostrating' was not to be interpreted as it is defined, but rather for migraines to be considered prostrating for rating purposes, the soldier must have stopped and sought immediate, emergency medical attention. Due to the fact that it is very difficult for someone laying prostrate from a migraine to get up and make it to the ER, you can imagine how well this worked in reducing the number of veterans that received disability ratings for their migraines.
And aside from the failings of the rating process, once the soldier is done with that, then there is the incompetent bureaucracy within the ranks of those handling retired service members to deal with. I was retired in January, but did not see a single cent of my retirement money until June. And when it did begin, taxes were being deducted - which shouldn't happen, because combat wounded vets get tax exemption from their disability checks. After getting that fixed, I recently discovered that I have absolutely no medical coverage whatsoever - which I found out while trying to get my prescriptions filled - because my retirement documents never got to the agency responsible for administering my care as a medical retiree. The incompetence of those that handled my retirement file ensured that the necessary paperwork failed to reach almost all of the necessary agencies. And I am by no means the only one this type of injustice is happening to, but instead it is a widespread occurrence. The reason for this is that once the soldier leaves the service and begins the fight for his or her benefits, it is simply that soldier against the entire framework of the Army bureaucracy, and that is far from a fair fight. (They do allow you a liaison in order to to help you navigate the system, but if mine was any indication, this is more of a burden than a help - in asking her to participate in a conference call to discuss why I disagreed with my initial rating of 10%, she resisted and actually said to me, "I'm not here to hold your hand through this.") So I have ended up in a position quite familiar to veterans - broke, living with my parents, in debt up to my ears from the months without income, and having no consistent medical coverage.
So, if you read through this and it seems wrong to you, especially if it makes you a bit angry, then I'm asking for your help. The only thing that will fix this problem is to shine a spotlight on what is happening, because once that happens, the freedom of action that the Army medical community has enjoyed in bullying the wounded soldiers applying for disability will be gone. Once the public is cognizant of exactly what has been done to the veterans the government so profusely praises for their sacrifice, their hypocrisy will be laid bare. If you know anyone - journalist or not - that will take this story and tell it to the public, please let me know. The above injustices are only the tip of the iceberg, even in my case, and I have documentation of many more transgressions.
A disabled vet has fought far too much already to have to continue to fight with their own government like this when they get home. In this case, it is the soldier who is looking to citizen for help with this fight."
If someone can help, I can send you his email (please don't spam him or give him crap. I'll come after you with a shovel and there's no telling what an irate military mom could do to you...)The system isn't broken, folks, it's been sold to the highest bidder. I am immensely proud of both my eldest children, DD a 6-year Army vet and DS1, who is a sergeant in the Air Guard (since 2006, regular AF before that.) The thought that my daughter was dismissed in a cavalier manner because some bumbling dolt "lost" her records even while she was cut loose from the IRR for being unable to fulfill 3 of the 4 physical requirements infuriates me. She wasn't injured because she had been hang-gliding, rock-climbing or some entertainment, she was injured while serving her country. Her back and hip are disabled and she has serious hearing loss, to boot. DS1 is having continuous problems with his back, neck and shoulders with no help in sight. He, too, has significant hearing loss. God forbid there should be something more serious wrong with my kids, where would they get help?
A close friend, a Navy veteran, must wait months to get an appointment and, even then, must drive 2 hours to the VA hospital. He has been told he can't use the services through the hospital in the closest town although WW2 and Korean vets are welcome. (I must confess that I don't understand that one bit.)
Those that enlist, for whatever reason are owed, yes OWED, respect and consideration. Considering that everyone and everything are fodder for the political machine, talking points for damnable politicians and a steady job for the layers of bureaucrats in guvmunt, this situation isn't likely to change unless there is a massive shift in public opinion.
And just how will we accomplish that little task? The mainstream media is useless and, in some cases, worse than useless. The public is being lulled and patted to sleep by television talking heads, politicians with a revolving door waiting for them, wanna-be presidents and senators and congressmen, fatuous "news" magazines and gratuitous infotainment pieces in newspapers. The level of intelligence and awareness amongst the citizenry of this country is at a level far below what it was even 30 years ago, not to speak of going back so far as the Lincoln/Douglas debates. Trying holding an intelligent informed conversation with 9 out of 10 people around you. I tell you, it's worse than depressing, it's gotta to the point that glazed eyes seems to be the newest fashion statement for those who don't want to know. And, by the way, don't tell me you're bothering my happy little world in which I have my SUV and my credit cards and my little circle of friends and all this has nothing to do with me and who are you to tell me that our Government is giving it to the populace up the ass?*
If my hair weren't too short to grab hold of, I'd be pulling it out by the handful.
* I will not apologize for that. It's that kind of absolute truth that isn't pretty nor comfortable nor fun. It's the truth never the less.
yup, once again it ain't just us....
Blears fallacy
I love the Guardian's comment section. Yes, I do.
and it ain't just the U.S.
This is telling:
"This chasm exists because we are seeing the outside world through a looking glass that has been highly distorted by a variety of complex influences. Our ahistoricism could say much about a culture of immediate gratification. Some would argue that the language of patriotism, or references to terms like "national differences", are being suppressed by European integration or "globalisation".
But part of the blame should be attributed to the political correctness that renders the use of such terms unthinkable. Shaking its grip is an important challenge if we are to avoid future foreign policy disasters."
That could have been written about the state of affairs on this side of the pond, too.
War has been declared on small farmers
USDA declares war on small farmers
There is an increasing backlash against this giant governmental entity, almost totally under the control of equally giant corporations, but it appears that the USDA will steamroll right over anyone and everyone in their way.
It is, indeed, time for a revolution. Time to dismantle the greedy, life-sucking government agencies that pay no heed to the populace but are corporate boot lickers and ass kissers. At this time, there is not ONE federal agency that is not controlled by people in the thrall of Big Pharma, Biig Ag, Big Banking, Big Trucking, Big Whatever... not ONE! If you don't believe me, find one and I will retract this statement. I won't hold my breath, though. From the FMCSA right on through to the CDC, any effort to progress has been quashed. Efforts to reduce the effect of the vise-like grip of Big Whatever have been ignored, ruled unscientific, such efforts have led to personnel being fired, being re-assigned to a position totally out of their sphere of expertise. Research has been ignored on many subjects from the effect of factory farming on the local environment to the foolishness of giving statins to small children. All because of leverage from lobbyists and Big Whatever.
I place the blame squarely on the succession of federal administrations since Ronald Reagan. All of them, not just the Republicans, the Democrats as well.
How long will it be before Big Brother starts arresting people for protesting? How long will it be before small organic producers are pushed to the limit of their financial stability? How long before people get together and start yelling, "We're mad as hell and we're not gonna take it anymore!" As far as I can see, there is not one single viable candidate for president that will be any different from the last 4. Can you? They're all players in the same game for the same stakes: money and power.
Quote of the Week
"We are at a stage in human history that is as monumental as changing from a hunter/gatherer society to an agricultural society and from an agricultural society to and industrial society. Where we're headed now will be different because we have exhausted planetary space and human space for us to continue to look at things through the Cartesian measurement of material things. We need to face the way we used the world for our gains, pleasures, satisfactions. This is the way we evolve to a higher stage of humanity. And unless we want to live in terror for the rest of our lives, we need to change our view about acquiring things. We have the opportunity to take a great leap forward in these very challenging times. We need to change our institutions and ourselves. We need to seize opportunities. We need to launch our imaginations beyond the thinking of the past. We need to discern who we are and expand on our humanness and sacredness. That's how we change the world, which happens because WE will be the change."
You say you want a revolution?
On the subject of localization:
The area I live in is about 30 years behind everything and doesn't show any signs of making much of a change in thought. City councils and the general population are still sticking with their outmoded ideas of industrial growth, government aid and big-brotherism. People attempting to make changes are cut off by foolish regulations and those in positions of power who have their heads in the sand. They want everything to be the same way it "always has been." Trouble with that is it hasn't always been this way.
I illustrate my point by my experience with our desire to put up a wind generator in our back yard along the river. Although it would not be 50 feet tall nor would it be unsightly, the planning people don't like the idea because "nobody's ever done it." Well, gee, folks, how about letting us try?
There are some farmer's markets in the area, held for 3 hours twice a week but it isn't always possible to get to them.
Even the idea of improving the stretch of river to encourage canoeists and kayakers was removed from consideration by our local "park board." They resisted the idea of letting recreational kayakers dry-camp at the park below the dam. Their reasoning is unclear to me. When a position came open on the board, the city council made sure that a progressive didn't get that seat. Rather, the brother of a council member was appointed and tipped the balance back to"same shit different year." I had planned on participating with the Water Trail project along with donating a 19 acre piece of transitional woodland to the city for use as a nature reserve but, with the change in the board's membership, have abandoned both ideas. The initial surveys for the WT were done over a year ago and met with approval by the state body that is in charge of such things. Instead of taking what was offered by the state and other towns along the river who have participated in this project (to their benefit, I must say) our park board dropped the ball and rejected the project by one vote. This was to the city council's liking as they prefer not to do anything that might be progressive. A friend and I have spoken of this matter and he, who is a professor emeritus of wildlife ecology at ISU, actually became so incensed that he moved clear out of town and 20 miles upriver. He requested that I be put on the board to keep the project going but, as is usual here, I am considered to be an extremist and troublemaker.
Maybe, when the whole economy tanks and people begin leaving in droves, the city councils will pull their head from their asses. We won't stay here after the kids are grown. I don't know yet where we will go but there must be someplace better than this.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
This is disturbing.
2 packages sent to me, one from England and one from Scotland, a month ago have vanished into a black hole, as has a letter from Scotland.
2 eBay packages I mailed early Monday afternoon didn't make it to the main facility in Des Moines until last night.
If someone is interdicting my mail I want to know why and who is doing it. I just don't know how to find that information...
Maybe I should check the terrorist watch list? After all, being a member of the Organic Consumer's Union and subscribing to such sites as Citizen Media Law Project, the Center for Public Integrity and the Legal Threats Blog might qualify me as a subversive in some people's eyes.
I have also been quite outspoken here. I suppose if a "crawler" like Carnivore picked up on some of my posts I could be considered a Very Bad Person.
Sheesh. This country is going to hell in a handbasket.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Happy Birthday to me
i'm now 53
i still feel like i'm 20
and could climb a big tree.
Himself and I are doing something we rarely do: going out to dinner.
Should be nice to have some time together, just us. Happens all too rarely, nowadays, darn it.
So, Happy Birthday To Meeeeeeeeee!
Just never know what you'll see (rather snarky)
One day I saw an older lady in a motorized wheelchair cruising down the parking lot of the grocery store. What turned my head a second time was she had on shorts and a little tanky-top thing. And her boobs were laying down on her knees. Uh, folks should wear pretty much what they want but that's just eye-hurting stuff. I don't get offended but, geeze Louise, folks.
I sometimes wonder why the most gigantic people drive the tiniest vehicles. For instance, driving down a residential street in MC, I happened to pass a gigantic man in a muscle shirt who was extremely hairy. He was driving one of those older S10s that are not much bigger than shoeboxes. The conjunction of fat, hair and a tiny truck just struck me as weird. And somewhat yucky.
You can bet it will be one of those days when you pull off the interstate to get into town and the first thing you see is a line of numerous cars following an old fart driving about 10 mph under the speed limit. Makes me want to turn around and go home. Things never improve after that. It's like a harbinger...
The there was the odd looking guy out on the highway. Barefoot in a t-shirt and shorts. Just walking down the eastbound lane. What in the world would he be doing? He'd have been much better off a mile south on the old road. Less traffic and a nice grass verge to walk on.
There's that old lady in the pink Cadillac who has white fluffy hair. She also has a white fluffy dog that rides around on her lap. You can see neither the driver nor the dog if you're in back of her. She looks between the top of the steering wheel and the dashboard. That much pink is scary enough without what's supposedly navigating it.
Then the older woman with the dyed black hair up in a beehive... She wears cat-glasses with rhinestones, about 10 pounds of makeup, gold mylar and animal prints with very high-heeled shoes. I can't figure out if I feel bad for her as she teeters and totters on those heels or if I'm vaguely repulsed.
The girl from the transition center... well, what do I say about her. She used to be over here in the home but they sent her to MC when she started flagging down passersby and propositioning them. She's still wearing white shoes, white sox, white capris, a white t-shirt and has the same cloth hobo bag. Some things probably are not likely to change. Evidently she has stopped propositioning folks because she was out and about a couple of days ago.
I saw an older guy on a bike who was wearing sky blue sox. Don't see that every day, no siree bob.
One neighbor, who I think the world of, rides a powder pink moped. His wife usually rides it but, on a whim, he will put on his hemet and take off. What is said about physicists may be true, that they are a little odd... He's a great guy, though.
The guy from town here who just gets weirder by the day. When his Gran died in 1969, his mother left her house exactly as it was the day she died. It's still like that. He owns about 5 cars but only drives one, which has the lining from the roof falling down. He carries boxes in the back seat and takes them in to the post office, wearing gloves, to retrieve his mail. I have been told that his house is so crammed with papers and stuff that there are only small paths to get around. He owns 5 houses, one of which he lives in, one he rents to the son of a friend of mine and the other three sit empty for no reason anyone can think of. The store his father operated has not been in business for years but everything is still there, sitting on the shelves. He has about 4 different doctorates but doesn't actually seem to work. He doesn't come out of his house much, either. He's getting downright spooky.
People are weird.
Word for today:
I love words. They are so cool.
Why People Lie
Before you figure out how to tell if a person is lying or if it’s even worth looking into, it’s important to understand what motivates people to lie. Everyone lies - everyone, and sometimes it’s ok. Often, telling a little white lie can be harmless, especially if it is done in order to avoid hurting someone’s feelings. For example, telling a person they look thin in a particular outfit or telling him or her you can’t go out because you will be working, when in actuality you just don’t want to go out with that particular person, are examples of acceptable lies. It has been said that when women lie it is usually to make other people feel good and when men lie, it’s more self serving and is usually done to make themselves feel good.
In my experience, that is absolutely the truth. Himself lies when he knows I will get mad if he tells the truth. The Herd will lie to protect themselves from getting in trouble and all of them, young and old, will lie to get their way.
Deciding whether a male is lying is not an easy task. In Himself's case I think he really intends to be "right home," but, as he is a male and his distractability index is about -5, he gets involved socializing and doesn't think about what time it is. For me telling someone I will be right home and then getting distracted like that would mean that I had told a lie because my original purpose was to go home. Allowing myself to be diverted from that purpose, implicit in my statement of intent, would be making my stated intent a lie. Males don't seem to think like that though. Discerning between a lie of omission and a lie of commission seems to be beyond their capacity.
A lie of omission is leaving out a pertinent fact, something pivotal. There wouldn't be a reason to leave that point out if it weren't something that was a problem of some sort. Why bother, in that case.
A lie of commission is quite a different subject. That's that outright whopper the kid tells you when you know for a fact that he wasn't where he stated he had been. This comics illustrates a lie of commission:*
That kind of thing happens very rarely with Himself but the kids? *sigh* I usually know when they are telling whoppers but, in some cases, calling them on it wouldn't be helpful. DS3 doesn't tell lies much. Neither does DS2. SS has a tendency to "color" the truth or leave out important information that would change circumstances.
Himself, Rod and I were talking about this one day. They figured that the average male in a relationship lies, for one reason or another, about 5% of the time. That's the outright, baldface whopper category. It seemed to me that neither of them understood my view on the subject. They didn't think that forgetting the time constituted a lie. This seems to be more because of the way males are about stuff, ie they tend to be relatively shallow. The finer nuances of ephemerals like mendacity simply escape them. The difference is so fine that they just don't, and never will, get it. Expecting them to is a good way to become upset, feel betrayed and truly mak a mess of a relationship. That's too bad, really, but it's just the way things are.
People are interesting but not as much fun as words.
* I apologize for the poor quality of the scan. I don't have a screen to use when duplicating these anymore and it won't allow me to switch it to a decent grayscale or b&w. Darn it. Will keep trying...
Well, that was interesting...
Turns out he has been negotiating with my erstwhile former business partner for about 40 acres of low-producing land.
We talked for some time, me telling him about the right-of-way and water line and septic and whatall, then the interesting bit came up.
Turns out Mr. Former Partner is asking 240K for that itsy piece of not-good land! I must have dropped my jaw in amazement because this guy asked what was so surprising.
I then informed him of the price Mr. FP had paid me over a year ago, a eminently fair price, for the whole farm. He looked at me for a few seconds in a rather dumbfounded manner. I suggested to him that he get the latest CSR reports and check out soil surveys. I suggested that, in my opinion, a market value would be somewhere around 150K if he intended to build a house, or houses on the homesite, and considerably less if he intended to actually farm the land.
Not only is Mr. FP asking an outrageous amount for the place but he isn't giving his potential buyer any information. I suspect, although it wasn't stated outright, that there are various and sundry half-truths, if not outright lies, being told.
Mr. FP is know for questionable business practices and anyone who is dealing with him, or thinking about it, absolutely must do their research and have all their "ts" crossed and their "is" dotted. If not, he'll run roughshod over them.
If this gentleman tells Mr. FP where he got his information, I can expect a visit from the former partner. He will be foaming at the mouth and is likely to go off on a rant. That's fine. I've headed him off in the past and will do it again if I think it's necessary. He can rant and rave all he wants but I did nothing wrong, just told the truth. I'd stand up in a court of law and testify to that.
I don't particularly dislike Mr. FP but I wouldn't trust him further than I could throw him. Never have, never will.
I do hope two things:
First, that the visitor doesn't tell FP where he got his information. Peace and quiet are highly valued here and I would prefer not to deal with a crazy man on my doorstep.
Second, that the visitor does his research and does it thoroughly and well. He seems a nice enough person and it would be too bad if he became another person to fall victim to an unscrupulous prevaricator.
And so it goes, just another day in my life...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Got a lot done, so far, today. Went to chiro, took more clothes to Shirley's (Once, she says to tell you Hi,) more stuff to thrift store, stopped at Walgreen's and got Green Bags along with 2 cans of coffee that were over 3.00 off for each and some tissue paper, drove over to CL to see about getting my hair cut (Brenda not there,) went back to MC and ate at Arby's, drove down to the south part of town, got some potables, then back over to CL where Brenda was finally in (appt. 1 pm Wed.)
I took 106 over the first time to CL and a semi had overturned in the entry to Northern Cold Storage. Looks like the driver cut the corner too short and the back of the reefer slid off into the ditch. It flipped the reefer and torqued the cab clear up in the air, twisting it out of shape. Hope the driver is OK but he'd have to have had a ladder to climb out as the truck was some feet above the road.*
When I got back here, notified my ebay buyers about postage, packe their stuff up, mailed it, came back, refunded 1.95 overage to one buyer and notified both of tracking numbers. Glad that's done. I am always concerned that a buyer will be unhappy with what they receive. So far only one guy (from the LA metro) was unhappy. I had advertised a pair of wool longjohns as NOT TO BE WORN and for stage props or something like that. He evidently disregarded that and was offended that they weren't functional. I never said they were but refunded his money and told him to just toss them in the trash or whatever. I don't know if he was bullshitting or not but it wasn't worth the negative feedback.
Next on the list is putting away laundry. *sigh* I dislike hauling it down, washing it, drying it, hauling it back up and then having to fold it and put it away. Like dishes, it is a never-ending drudgery. In summer it is impossible to leave it in a basket for more than 2 days because it starts smelling much like a junior high boy's locker room on a hot day after a basketball tournament. ppppeeeeewwwwwwwwwww!
I don't have the foggiest clue what to do for supper tonight, either. I really enjoy cooking but I do so much of it that I just get burned out sometimes. It's too warm to put something in the oven and we've had pretty much everything that we like on the grill in the last month or so. The idea of cooking for a living doesn't appeal to me at all. Have had some people suggest that I go to culinary school but... NO! My good friend Rod (who is also a great cook) and I agree that having to do it professionally would take all the fun out of it.
Himself had a bad day at work yesterday so he was really cranky when he got home. I was worn out and overheated so we didn't have a very nice evening. Sure hope he has a better day today but he isn't likely to ever have a really good one until he gets back behind the wheel of a rig. He just despises what he is doing and I can't say I blame him. He's one of those guys who has to find something in his work that he can be proud of. This job? He feels like a slag. Now they are starting 7 days a week. He might as well be out OTR as put up with that crap. He is bringing in funds but at what cost to him?
Currently keeping an eye on auctions I started yesterday. They won't end until Monday. Between now and then I have another bunch of things to get scanned, photoed, described and uploaded. After that there is more stuff. Then more. and more and more and more. I have so much stuffage, just from that one foray into the attic, that if I list only 7 items at a time I will be doing this for about 4 months. Anything that doesn't sell will be listed in eCrater, where it can sit for however long I want it to sit. That's fine if it is something that can be stored away while waiting but for larger items? Not sure. Might take them to antique dealers or to the thrift shop. I have a number of items in a safe place that are likely to sell but they are more high dollar and will be listed for 10 days on private auction. One thing is a very old shoulder holster made by a famous Montana saddlemaker. The problem with that is finding someone to authenticate it. Most people aren''t interested in single items, all they want to deal with is collections that will bring them large sums. Then there is the Rajastani solid silver chandelier necklace... oh, boy. Weighs about 4 pounds and the jeweler I took it to for appraisal couldn't begin to give me a value for it. I'll think of something. Eventually. Have to do something about that Limoges thingie, too. I suppose I'll put it up and let it go to the highest bidder with no reserve. Getting tired of having stuff just sitting around that isn't used for anything and is taking up space.
This weekend the Up in Smoke KCBS competition is on! nomnomnomnomnom I love 'q and am hoping it isn't 100 degrees on "eating day." There is so much great stuff, from brisket all the way across the spectrum, that it's hard to find enough room to try all of it. A couple of years ago, Rod and I were seriously considering entering but decided it would be too much trouble. And besides, nobody is putting chlorine bleach on the inside of our big grill. No way. Ick. I understand the health regulations to be (ahem) in the public's best interest but there is a whole extended list of things that have to be done, then there is the prep time and cooking and so forth. Tired us out just thinking about it. We would have put some goooooood stuff out, though. Rod makes The World's Best Jerk Chicken. He started experimenting after a trip to Jamaica a few years back (the rat) and now grows many of his own ingredients for the marinade. I can eat that chicken until I'm damned near sick, yes I can. Well, anyway, I am looking forward to the whole event. They have a whole roster of world-class entrants, bands, activities, and so forth. Of course, the main thing is the 'Q! (come to think about it, we may not go. Himself will work all weekend. duh. shit.)
I suppose I should go get something done. Ah, life but it sure beats the alternative.
* Story link: Semi rollover
Monday, July 21, 2008
ooooooh! celebrities!
"FOREST CITY — An early morning network news program will broadcast live from Forest City on Tuesday.
Dave Price, the weatherman for CBS News' "The Early Show" will be at the Winnebago Itasca Travelers Grand National Rally and do at least four live segments from 6 to 8 a.m.
Winnebago and the CBS show have partnered for a third straight year on the show's summer travel promotion, "Early on the Road.""
Golly, maybe I'll drive right up there, 45 miles away, just to see Mr. Price, jump up and down while screaming like an idiot and hold up dumb signs saying, "Hi, MOM!"
Or not.
No place for politically correct.
Every so often, someone of the Wood persuasion around here makes some snide comment about something or other.* Oft times, SS looks offended and states, "That isn't very sensitive."
Uh, what?
- Sensitive is when you wax your armpits and the wax won't come off.
- Sensitive is getting sunburned really easy.
- Sensitive is any number of things but it isn't something that has anything to do with political, social or historical comment.
The immediate respone to such an inane comment is usually all heads turned to gaze at the commenter, jaws dropped in disbelief.
If I believe, for good reason, that the Talking Heads** on Faux News are morons, I'm likely to say so.
If DS2 thinks, for good reason, that Dubya looks an awful lot like Bonzo the Chimp, he'll say it.
If DS3 is leery of politicians' claims of whatever they're claiming at this point in time, he'll pipe up.
DD has a tendency to yell at stupidity on tv and not suffer fools gladly.
DS1 will take a poseur apart surgically and never break a sweat.
DS2 will debate you in a rational and proper manner. He is likely to win.
It's all my fault. I made them read things like "Critical Reasoning" and such when they were kids They learned horrific lessons from that kind of literature. Lessons such as "think it through," "why do you think that?" "Go ahead, argue with me but you'd damn well better have a good sound argument or I won't listen."
Poor SS couldn't present a decent, rational debate to save his soul, honestly. I told him in no uncertain terms that, if he wished to explain a desired course of action to me for my permission, he'd better (as I said above) have a damned good reasoned base for his argument. So far, in almost a year, he hasn't come up with one.
We all feel quite a lot of pity for the poor kid. How can someone go through life not thinking?
*If you knew us, you'd be surprised that it would be only ONE snide comment.
** Talking Heads are labelled Commentators as a nifty disguise.
These people are NUTS!!!$ (work in progress)
"They gave her a charm for her bracelet--a lock in the shape of a heart. Her father has the key. On my wedding day, he'll give it to my husband," she explains. "It's a symbol of my father giving up the covering of my heart, protecting me, since it means my husband is now the protector. He becomes like the shield to my heart, to love me as I'm supposed to be loved."
it gets worse...
Kylie talks with an unblinking confidence about a promise that she says is spiritual, mental and physical. "It's something I'm very proud of. I plan to keep pure until marriage. It's a promise I made to myself--not pressure from my parents," she says. She speaks plainly about what she wants in her life, what she thinks she has the power to control and what she doesn't. "I'm very much at peace about this," she says, and looks out across the twirling room. "I don't feel like I need to seek a man. I will be found."
and worse...
"Even with older teenagers, many of these families don't believe in random dating but rather intentional dating, which typically begins with a young man's asking a father for permission to get to know his daughter. Lane was so stymied by how exactly that conversation would go that he even asked Randy Wilson if he could sit at a nearby table and listen in one day when Wilson met one of Khrystian's potential suitors at a local Starbucks. "We're trying to be realistic," Lane says. "I'm not ready to be like India--have arranged marriages. But there is some wisdom there, in that at least the parents are involved.""
I'm sorry, people, you are crazy. Just totally insane. What do you think all this religiosity and "covering" and "authority" are going to do? You've done such a lousy job of teaching your kids your values, teaching them to be honorable and thoughtful, that you have to have these sham ceremonials? Your kids should be able to discern right and wrong without having keys and hearts and other cutesy-poo doodads to remind them that Big Daddy is watching you.
Not Big Brother, Big Daddy. Not just your fleshly father but that big Dude up there in the sky who will, you are sure, reward you in some manner for being so righteous and pure.
You have a small god that reflects your small minds. You have a tiny, little restricted world-view that shields you from anything you would rather not know about. You associate only with those that agree with your limited outlook. You make your decisions based on the supposed infallibility of a book put together by fallable human beings. You sit in your sanctuaries and suck up every supposed inspired word that human being up there on the podium speaks.
How do you know that person isn't a closet homosexual? A pedophile? A wife-beater?* How do you know that person didn't spend the night before giving forth the inspired word of god doing something physically and morally frightful?
You don't know that.
How do you explain this little ceremonial?
"After dinner comes the ballet performance, when seven tiny ballerinas in white tulle float in; then seven older dancers carry in a large, heavy wooden cross, which they drape in white, with a crown of thorns. Four of the five Wilson daughters are among the dancers, and they offer a special dance to their father, to the music of Natalie Grant: Your faith, your love And all that you believe Have come to be the strongest part of me And I will always be your baby$ ...Then Randy and his friend Kevin Moore stand in front of the cross, holding up two large swords, points crossed. Fathers and daughters process beneath the swords to kneel; the girls place a white rose at the base of the cross while the fathers offer a quiet blessing."
Patriarchical? Definitely.
Frightening? Absolutely.
To think that a good sized segment of our population engages in this display of medieval behavior speaks volumes about the fundamentalist mindset and intellectual freedom.** To my mind, this is a psychological version of an iron chastity belt. To illustrate? "She used to wear a purity ring, he says, until a boy she knew assaulted her; she took it off--felt too dirty. Her parents gave her a new one, a bigger one; it took many months and much therapy, her father goes on, before she was able to put a ring on again. "That was part of a healing process," he says, "with the message that you're valuable no matter what someone did to you."" How many girls who didn't have this type of indoctrination would have had months of therapy because they felt "dirty?"*** Did that poor child get the idea that the assault was her doing? That, too is unclear. What is clear to me, as an observer, is that her parents planted the seeds of that "dirty" feeling in their daughter.
I have some pretty extensive experience with fundamentalists. I tried for some years to shut my problematic mind off and follow along with the party line. I never managed to really do it. Something always kept me from jumping completely in. Some very clear images still remain, permanently locked in memory. One is cleaning the church every week to pay for tuition to school so I could learn Koine Greek, then having the pastor tell me I couldn't graduate because I missed some classes because of family responsibilities (sick kids.) Another memory is pastors and their families driving expensive cars bought with their pay, owning boats, wearing fancy clothes and taking expensive vacations, funding for all of which was coming directly out of the pockets of those who usually couldn't afford that 10% tithe. This not just at one church, but a lot of them.
The people in the story remind me strongly of many of the religious I knew in the past.
I can say, for good or bad, I don't buy it any more.
I can also say that people like this aren't likely to ever step back and objectively look at what they believe.
There are so many things wrong with the whole concept of "purity balls" that it boggles my mind trying to think of them all.
$ Purity Balls
* To be sure, your world view might be able to justify spousal abuse for certain infractions.
$ Does this remind anyone else of a serious case of emotional retardation? What female in her right mind wants to be Daddy's Baby for the rest of her life? Gawd.
** Abstinence Clearinghouse estimates there were more than 4,000 purity events across the country last year, with programs aimed at boys now growing even faster.
*** It is unclear from the context of the article whether this assault is a rape or what.
What was it I've been saying?
Drug Companies
"Over the past two decades the pharmaceutical industry has moved very far from its original high purpose of discovering and producing useful new drugs. Now primarily a marketing machine to sell drugs of dubious benefit, this industry uses its wealth and power to co-opt every institution that might stand in its way, including the US Congress, the FDA, academic medical centers, and the medical profession itself."
No kidding? A good analogy for the doctors:
Go into a used car lot. Look over the available models and then ask the salesman about past history or damage, accidents or mileage. 9 times out of 10, that salesman is going to give you a line of bull to divert your attention from what you want to know and move you directly to signing a contract or writing a check. He or she isn't in the least interested in your safety nor in what is best for your family, they are there to make money. Will you believe everything they tell you?
Now substitute doctors and drug company representatives. New drugs are given out as samples and variouss bits and pieces of goodies are offered as good business relation greasers. The doctor inquires about improvements and better efficacy of the new drugs. Just like a used car salesman, the drug rep. will try to divert the doc's attention by presenting "studies" proving that this drug is MUCH improved. Will the doctor buy it? Probably. Digging for the truth of the matter is just too much more to add on to the physician's daily struggle to provide care.
I pressed my doc to change my b.p. meds when they went up in price continuously over a period of months by 100%. We switched to an older, generic drug that actually works better than the fancy over-priced ones I was taking before.
This whole perversion is worse than disgusting. It's... I don't have the words to describe it.
One the road again. maybe.
He's got diesel in his blood and not driving is making him miserable.
As a fill-in he started working at a scrapyard but he hates it with a passion. It's terribly dangerous work, dirty and hot. He now has a badly sprained thumb, cuts from metal, burns on his forearm... not good.
The cooperative he had driven for previously is cutting back on drivers and, I understand, laying some of their long-time guys off. He is still in contact with them but it is an "iffy" proposition.
Flooding earlier this year has trashed the economy here. Well, not just here, all over the Midwest. People are homeless, living in motels, campers or with relatives. They might, or might not, gt help from FEMA but that can take a year or longer. What will they do?
Businesses are still closed because of water damage. People are laid off and looking for new jobs. I am wondering if we will see an exodus of people from the area?
It's not just here, either. 75% or so of the state has been impacted, one way or another, by the floods. Everything has been affected to the point that it hardly bears thinking about.
Even if he does go back OTR, he has an option. Many people have none.

About Me
- dragonmom
- A hobby cook from the Midwest. Experiments, thoughts, new recipes, maybe even a photo or two... You noticed the pouting little girl with the words superimposed over her face? Growing up in the 60s and 70s the refrain of "there are starving children in [insert current poverty-stricken nation] that would love to have such... etc etc etc." I don't know that anyone actually believed all that but the image of a starving foreign child, holding out a bowl in hopes of being gifted with boiled tongue or green tomato pie, was pretty powerful. I do recall the kind of trouble kids would inevitably be in if they dared to say what most of us thought: "Well, then, send this stuff right on over to those poor, starving [insert country] kids." I don't usually post other people's photos, just my own. If you want to borrow or use one of my photos, I would appreciate your asking first. I usually don't mind but do hate having my work attributed to someone else. By the way, I found the photo of that pouting girl on the web with no attribution. If it's yours? We'll deal, ok? Thanks.