Someone who has none posted.
Someone who doesn't say why they don't like the recipe.
Someone who has been on the site since 2005.
This is very annoying, rude and a bit suspicious.
I'd say the posted name is apt, "Injustice." I'm not sure exactly who this person is but he/she/it has 7 pages of recipe reviews, 62 are 1 star, 40 no stars, 36 with 2 to 5 stars.
I find it interesting, as well, that this person absolutely lambastes other people with spurious historical and culinary information. The reviewer, or someone, went back through a lot of the previously posted reviews and deleted the comments in the reviews. This is a curious thing to do, very curious. Some of the most irrational and egregious comments are the ones being deleted.
The recipe that she/he/it reviewed that is mine said this:
"Sorry Queen...I have to tell you that an heirloom recipe would not tell you to run under the broiler...unless they have been revamped for more modern times. I didn't know about a broiler for ages!"
Oddly enough, there was (and is) nothing in the recipe that states it is an "heirloom" recipe. Not One Word.
After that, a number of members noticed the review and started making the dish. A couple even went so far as to vouch for its authenticity, among them native Britons.*
I can only make the assumption that this person is a pompous ass and let it go at that. If read in a light vein, most of the comments are pretty entertaining if you find dumbassery funny.
* "Injustice" seems to have a thing for rarebit, too. There is another review that states this:
"Genuine Welsh Rarebit is a hot, spicy cheesy sauce that is served on toast. This is as far away from the real thing as I can imagine."
The bizarre thing about that is the recipe poster states that she has adapted the recipe to their own personal tastes.
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