Cedar Rapids bicyclist beats, kills pedestrian
CEDAR RAPIDS (AP) — Cedar Rapids police are looking for a bicyclist who hit a man in the head and killed him.
Police say Jerry Hurt was walking along a street Tuesday afternoon when a man on a bicycle rode up, got off the bike, picked up a blunt object and hit him in the head. The man then got back on the bike and rode away.
Have people taken leave of their senses? Who could possibly expect to be assaulted by some crazed velocipede rider? Here you are, walking down the street, minding your own business when, out of the blue, some whack-job pedals up, jumps off the bike and whales you upside the head with a blunt object.* I think the lyrics of the old song don't say anything about "there she was, just a'walkin' down the street, singin' look out baby it's a weirdo with a stick."
Makes a person think twice about leaving the house without a 24-hour bodyguard.
* A mailbox? Parking meter? What?
as funny as your new lyrics are this story is pretty farked up.
Haven't checked the Register yet. Maybe there is more about this.
It's just damned weird.
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