Saturday, June 21, 2008

I honestly don't know how to describe

the prez and his cohorts.
Thieves? Nah. Grafters? No.
There are no words for the whole shebang. There might be in French or Chinese, but English? No.
I have a decent idea about grammar and a good vocabulary but describing this regime and the creatures that serve it is beyond my provenance.
Check this one out, if you would:

Iran, indeed?

What possible end could they have for this whole lot of crap? What will it profit them? I really want to know.
Power? Wealth? More wealth? More power? Would they like to be God?

Mercy, have mercy because things are worse than we can imagine. I fear for all of us on the face of the earth. Not just here in the US but worldwide. This might be a replay of the Nazi takeover of Germany (although I really hate to say it, honestly) but after all, the Shrub's grandfather financed Hitler, didn't he? You have no idea how ill it makes me to type things like that but you have no idea how ill it makes me to live in a virtual police state and have misdirection all around me and all the "and now this" crap on the media. Or how ill it makes me to know that over 5000 of our valiant and honorable soldiers have been killed in a fruitless and pointless war, not to speak of the lives lost in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kuwait... as far as places that don't officially exist and those places that are our "allies."
May whatever powers rule the universe, Bush, judge you as you should be judged. You should be on your knees sacrificing chickens if you must, but you will pay for your deeds. You and all your creatures will pay for what you have done. All of you, whose motives I can't begin to comprehend, will pay at some time.
I just hope it is sooner than later.

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Stop the Spying!

About Me

A hobby cook from the Midwest. Experiments, thoughts, new recipes, maybe even a photo or two... You noticed the pouting little girl with the words superimposed over her face? Growing up in the 60s and 70s the refrain of "there are starving children in [insert current poverty-stricken nation] that would love to have such... etc etc etc." I don't know that anyone actually believed all that but the image of a starving foreign child, holding out a bowl in hopes of being gifted with boiled tongue or green tomato pie, was pretty powerful. I do recall the kind of trouble kids would inevitably be in if they dared to say what most of us thought: "Well, then, send this stuff right on over to those poor, starving [insert country] kids." I don't usually post other people's photos, just my own. If you want to borrow or use one of my photos, I would appreciate your asking first. I usually don't mind but do hate having my work attributed to someone else. By the way, I found the photo of that pouting girl on the web with no attribution. If it's yours? We'll deal, ok? Thanks.
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