Monday, August 18, 2008

I'm still around...

Just didn't feel like writing this weekend. Took the whole weekend off and did absolutely nothing of any importance.

Finished one book and started another. That was so great, just flop out on my bed with a glass of water and Dr. Sagan... first time in about 2 years I have had a chance to do that.

When getting school supplies today, I got a pack of razor blades for himself. The darned things have doubled in price! They're now over $2 a blade! I think we may need to consider a different options for male hair removal... wow.

It's just beautiful here today. Starting to warm up but there is a little breeze.

Finally managed to get cards for Lil Sis, DD and DS1 that I actually liked. DD had her b'day the 5th of July and DS1's was the 17 of July. Sis's isn't until the 24th of this month so I'm ahead of the game on that. Hope they like them. The lady at the store who was helping me and I were reading them and laughing like idiots. hee hee hee

DS3's father is coming over after work tonight and taking him to get his hair cut. It's pretty long but he doesn't want a lot cut off. Hope his Dad lets him make his own choices about how he wants it done. That's one less thing I have to take care of and it is a great relief.

I cheated today and bought 2 racks of pork spare ribs at a deli in town. Then cheated more and smoked them using the stove-top smoker. Now taking the cheating further and just roasting them at 250F, wrapped in foil, in the oven. Cheating is sometimes good to do.

I find it interesting that there is so much difference in taste and color between Italian first cold pressed olive oil and Greek. The Italian is a golden color and has a very mild, neutral flavor. The Greek is green as an olive, has a stronger flavor and aroma and tastes just ever so slightly sweet. I decided to use Greek oil for Greek food after thinking that my spanakopita didn't taste like my Greek friend's spanakopita. Same with the yemista. It does now that I use the Greek oil. The Greek is also way too strong for dressing pasta, IMO. Does very nicely as a basic oil, though, in place of corn or canola.

I usually make my own BBQ sauce but, since I aimed on cheating, I bought some. Got my favorite, Rufus Teague's, and a new one, Ole Ray's Kentucky Re Bourbon. Man, is that stuff GOOD! The Teague's is KC style, thick and rather sweet. The KRB is thinner, not sweet at all but just wonderful. Hope Mak continues to carry the stuff as all there is in the markets around here is the usual frosting-cum-BBQ sauce that is just gross.

Himself specifically requested Doug's Potatoes for supper, too. I like the recipe because it's easy. Slice as many red taters as you need (I usually figure 2 per person), slice 2 medium onions thin, layer them with balck pepper on aluminum foil. Plop pats of butter around and fold the foil up to make a nice, tight package. Stick 'em on the grill for 30 to 45 minutes anywhere from 300 - 350 degrees, turning once. They are absolutely the best taters and the guy who came up with the recipe can't even boil water! Just goes to show, never can tell where you will find a flash of genius. (The only thing that is different is that Himself will absolutely NOT eat potato skins in any form. Peeling the taters just sort of takes some of the ease out of the recipe. Darn it.)

Did get quite a bit accomplished today. Took in cans, took lunch to Himself, got school supplies, gas, the ribs, onions. All, unfortunately, totally separate places so did a good bit of driving. Gas has gone down so it isn't too bad. Put $20 in and ended up with 3/4 tank. Glad I'm not driving the K5 anymore. Augh!

Need to get the mileage from the F150 and get the thing advertised for sale. It's a nice truckmobile but we don't need anything with that kind of power. Sold the Bayliner earlier and we can haul the Alumacraft on the Roo if need be. If push comes to shove, will borrow an F250 I sold to an older gentleman here in town to pull the car trailer. As the price of gas has gone up, so has the price of motorcycles, which is what Himself wants to get. I am leaning more toward a little S10 or something of the sort because, after all, this IS Iowa and winter is coming.

As you can tell, Gentle Reader, I'm not in a reflective mood today. No links to annoyances, dumbassery or any guvmunt foolishness. Although I have been working through some posts about all that stuff, just don't feel like messing with it today. My brain still thinks it's having a day off, I guess.

Have had some dumbassery around here but it's the same person, just a different day. Some things don't change, I guess, regardless of how much you would like them to.

My favorite Schwan's man was just here. He is always disappointed when I only get one or two things, at the most. Since school is starting, we don't need Popsicles and suchlike. I don't eat them and the Herd doesn't need them during school, so... I realize that he relies on his customers for his income but I can't sacrifice the group here to support him. Since Himself won't be paid until the beginning of September I am being very careful with funds, too.*

Will turn on the air in about 30 minutes. Got up to 90+ and Himself will be hot and tired when he gets off. Good thing the a.c. in the truckmobile works but still, it's nice to relax in a cool house.

* I have to confess, I have no idea why his employer holds new driver's first paychecks until the second pay period. Makes no sense to me and is a hardship for the drivers. It isn't like he is a brand new employee, either. He's worked there before. It's just weird.


Anonymous said...

i am most disapointed with the lack of dumbassery. you must work doubly hard tomorrow to make up for the lack of today.

man, was this the day from hell or what. did you get my email?

all i have to say is fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!


dragonmom said...

Got your email this morning. Argh, yet again.

Have had enough in-person dumbassery today to last me through the next week, at least.

I may decide I am in the mood for some grumbling and griping when I get home. For now, I just need to sit for a while and take a load off.

Stop the Spying!

About Me

A hobby cook from the Midwest. Experiments, thoughts, new recipes, maybe even a photo or two... You noticed the pouting little girl with the words superimposed over her face? Growing up in the 60s and 70s the refrain of "there are starving children in [insert current poverty-stricken nation] that would love to have such... etc etc etc." I don't know that anyone actually believed all that but the image of a starving foreign child, holding out a bowl in hopes of being gifted with boiled tongue or green tomato pie, was pretty powerful. I do recall the kind of trouble kids would inevitably be in if they dared to say what most of us thought: "Well, then, send this stuff right on over to those poor, starving [insert country] kids." I don't usually post other people's photos, just my own. If you want to borrow or use one of my photos, I would appreciate your asking first. I usually don't mind but do hate having my work attributed to someone else. By the way, I found the photo of that pouting girl on the web with no attribution. If it's yours? We'll deal, ok? Thanks.
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