This from Greg Laden's blog:
Morning sickness is an adaptation, not a ... sickness
I gotta say, really, that knowing this wouldn't have helped one bit. I'm not a scientist but I have had extensive experience with morning sickness.
Too extensive.
I wasn't that sick when I had stomach flu.
I wasn't that sick when I had food poisoning.
I wasn't that sick reacting to codeine.
I don't think I've been that sick at any other time in my life.
Nothing helped, not crackers in the morning. Not getting up. Not staying in bed. Barfing didn't help. Nothing at all helped.
It is interesting that the "prophylaxis" hypothesis wouldn't have applied in my case. I was morning sick in the morning. Empty stomach, no dangerous or toxic food. Toothpaste made me barf so perhaps an argument could be made that my system believed toothpaste to be a toxin. Except for the fact that I was already nauseous and ill by the time I would attempt to brush my teeth. Soda crackers had pretty much the same effect, but not all the time. The chances of several different packages of crackers conxumed over a period of weeks and all having toxins in them is pretty small odds.
So, DD and DS2...
It was YOUR fault.
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About Me
- dragonmom
- A hobby cook from the Midwest. Experiments, thoughts, new recipes, maybe even a photo or two... You noticed the pouting little girl with the words superimposed over her face? Growing up in the 60s and 70s the refrain of "there are starving children in [insert current poverty-stricken nation] that would love to have such... etc etc etc." I don't know that anyone actually believed all that but the image of a starving foreign child, holding out a bowl in hopes of being gifted with boiled tongue or green tomato pie, was pretty powerful. I do recall the kind of trouble kids would inevitably be in if they dared to say what most of us thought: "Well, then, send this stuff right on over to those poor, starving [insert country] kids." I don't usually post other people's photos, just my own. If you want to borrow or use one of my photos, I would appreciate your asking first. I usually don't mind but do hate having my work attributed to someone else. By the way, I found the photo of that pouting girl on the web with no attribution. If it's yours? We'll deal, ok? Thanks.
oh phoo on you!
I couldn't brush my teeth when I00 was preggers with all three of my beasties. just the thought of putting toothpaste in my mouth made me queasy. all I have to say is thank goodness for mouthwashes and lots and lots of gum.
Thought that would get ya'!
For what it was worth, I really only felt nasty with Liam. I was tired and touchy with all three but he had to have been the worse. I so envy women that get the pretty smiley glow when they are expecting, they all SUCK!
pretty smiley glow, my ass.
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